I’m a published photographer… sort of

“I’ve been taking photos for a while now and my work has started to get noticed,”

This is how I would love to say my images worked their way on to the one the Uk’s most popular property websites. What actually happened is that myself and my colleague Ben have been coming with a new section of www.your-move.co.uk just for Scotland, we then had the choice of paying for some bog standard and slightly clichéd images of Scotland or we could use my own images from a trip me and my wife took to Edinburgh were we have two branches. So we opted for the later and here are the results:

http://www.your-move.co.uk/scotland/ – I think they look pretty cool if I do say so myself.

Sorry there hasn’t been much posting for a bit but life is a busy place. I do however have a backlog of awesome pictures to post up, including my daughters baptism, a best mates wedding, a Gentry Morris gig, and holiday pics. You have all that to look forward to in the coming weeks.

Take care and drive.

Edinburgh – A return to a quite beautiful city (part4)

And to the final part of this little series of blog posts, now my camera doesn’t have a panorama function to knit shots together so I had to do these two manually, with so many images the angles some times don’t work but I’ve done my best. I flipping love the night scene (first one), as it shows just the start of night with lights beginning to come on and it just looks like a living city.

As ever these are taken on a Nikon D3000 using no filters and for these no tripod, post editing has included level and colour corrections on some pictures but other than that they have remained as taken. Do let me know what you think of these as it was the first time I tried them, the resolution is a little down as at full res they are about 300MB each.

Hope you enjoy and thanks for reading…

Edinburgh panoramic night

Edinburgh panoramic daytime

Edinburgh – A return to a quite beautiful city (part3)

The technique here is to do with tilting or moving the camera during the shutter being open. I first came across this in practical photography magazine, where Editor Andrew James titled his piece ‘Tilt’. This confused me at first as ’tilt’ photography is a popular technique used to make scenes look like they are made in miniature; just type ’tilt photography’ into Google and set facial expression to awe!

Anyway what I tried was actually titling the camera  while the shutter is open on the camera (so the camera records all the light it receives in a weird track like motion). So this image…

Edinburgh's Camera Obscura - big clue to next blog

…was a clue to what I was going to do, the endless lights behind me in the picture are from the Edinburgh Camera Obscura visit, so I choose to experiment with this technique and see what I come out, I was very pleased when it came to editing these results. Do let me know what you think of these images on either facebook or twitter – or on the comments thing below.

Thanks for looking.

Edinburgh – A return to a quite beautiful city (part2)

Edinburgh's Camera Obscura 2

So part 2 finds us inside this wonderful place the Edinburgh Camera Obscura, now it looks like the most horrid tourist trap from the outside, which had me at unease at the start of our visit. I suppose this is mainly due to living in York which makes me slightly uneasy at any tourist like attraction being surround by tourism from all sides in York!

I’m pleased to report I was presently surprised by Edinburgh Camera Obscura, fairly priced and a good few hours of fun for those who like their eyes playing tricks on them. You’re  not allowed to take a picture of the Obscura in operation but you can take picture of all the illusions and fun. Part 2 is below and a little clue for part 3 is at the end…

Edinburgh – A return to a quite beautiful city (part1)

Hello again, Christmas break means I have some time for editing and processing pictures, and so it comes to our visit t0 our honeymoon destination – Edinburgh, three years on. This visit was perhaps even more decadent than the previous visit, we travelled 1st class (by getting the tickets the day of sale), had champagne and chocolate in our room, had the suite of the guest house (again), and had a Christmas meal in the castle.

The reason this blog is split into four parts is because of the photographs I attempted on this trip, this first blog post shows some traditional holiday photographs with a few tricks put in. The second blog will contain photos taken in the Edinburgh Camera Obscura, this is basically optical illusions and tricks that let me do fun things with my camera.

The third post will show off a trick called tilt photography, this is when you move the camera while leaving the lens shutter opening and so capture a mix of light and movement without much definition but an wealth of creativity. The fourth and final part will showcase two panorama’s taken from the top of Edinburgh castle.

The below pictures are part 1. The shot with the wall on the right with the castle in the background is two pictures blended together, and so creates an impossible photo with two broad focal points, boring but oddly fun. I’ve put one of me in there so you can see my ugly face and one of my wife so you can her nice looking face, enjoy and have a nice New Year!